Erhard, R., & El-Dor. Y. (1991). Hardiness:
Skills for Coping with Hardship and Prevention of Suicides. Tel
Aviv: Mapat Press. (279 pp.) (In Hebrew).
Erhard, R. (2000). A Kit for Diagnosing
Characteristics of School Violence. Jerusalem: The Ministry of
Education. (118 pp.) (In Hebrew).
Erhard, R. (2001). An Optimal Educational
Climate – A Kit for Diagnosing and Intervention. Jerusalem:
PCS, The Ministry of Education. (277 pp.) (In Hebrew).
Erhard, R., & Klingman, A. (Eds.) (2004). School Counseling in a Changing Society. Tel Aviv: Ramot.
(480 pp.) (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R. (2008). Empowerment Consultation.
Tel Aviv: Ramot. (305 pp.) (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R. (2014). School Counseling - A Profession in Search of Identity.
Tel Aviv: Mofet. (366 pp.) (in Hebrew).
Referred Articles
Erhard, R. (1982). Group Work with Underachievers. The School Counselor, 2 (1), 5 – 17. (In
Erhard, R. (1987). A Program for Improving
Adolescents Coping with Hardship. The School Counselor, 7
(1), 37 – 47. (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R. (1991). Team Development as an
Experience: An Innovative Model in School Counseling, The School
Counselor, 2, 22 – 35. (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R., Dar, Y., & Rash, N. (1996). Social Cleavages and
Equal Opportunities in Israeli-Jewish Society: Adolescents’
Perspective. Studies in Education, 1 (1), 5-32. (in
Erhard, R., & Rash, N. (1998). The Counselor’s
Role in the Transition between Schools: Myth and Reality, The
School Counselor, 7, 15-36. (in Hebrew).
Dar, Y. Erhard, R., & Resh, N. (1998). Perceiving
Social Cleavages and Inequality: The Case of Israeli adolescents. Youth and Society, 30 (1), 544-570.
Erhard, R. (1999). Adolescent Peer Facilitators -
Myth and Reality. International Journal for
the Advancement of Counseling, 21, 97-109.
Erhard, R. (1999). Peer-Led and Adult-Led Programs -
Students’ Perceptions. Journal of Drug Education, 29 (4).
Erhard, R., & Deshevesky, A. (1999). School
Counseling in Israel – A Laborious Journey from Pole to Pole. Studies in Education, 4(1), 9-31. (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R., & Itaiel, A. (1999). The Development
of Student Leadership by Marketing the School in the Community, The School Counselor, 8, 192-177. (in Hebrew).
Umansky, T., & Erhard, R. (2000). The Role of the
School Counselor in the Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in
Regular Education, The School Counselor, 9, 70-87. (in
Harel, Y., & Erhard, R. (2001). Performance Styles
of School Counselors in Israel. The School Counselor, 10, 152-171. (in Hebrew).
Raviv, A., & Mashraki-Pedhatzur, S., Raviv, A.,
& Erhard, R. (2002). The Israeli School Psychologist: A
Professional Profile. School Psychology International, 23 (3), 283-306.
Resh, N., & Erhard, R. (2002). ‘Pushing-Up’ or
‘Cooling-Out’? Israeli Counselors’ Advice on Track Placement. Interchange,33 (4), 325-349.
Schwartz, Y., & Erhard, R. (2003).
Counselor-Principal Relations as Perceived by the Counselors. The School Counselor, 12, 11-32. (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R., & Shemer-Elkaim, T. (2003). The
School Counselor in the Principals’ Mirror. The School
Counselor, 12, 33-47. (in Hebrew).
Shemer-Elkaim, T., & Erhard, R. (2004). The School
Counselor’s Role with Regard to Children of Divorced. The School
Counselor, 13, 63-79. (in Hebrew).
Erhard, R., & Fishman, E. (2004). Masters
Degree Studies in School Counseling – Compromise and Commitment to
the Profession. The School Counselor, 13, 217-238.(in
Erhard, R., & Harel, Y. (2005). Role
Behavior Profiles of Israeli School Counselors. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 27 (1) 87-100.
Erhard, R., & Umansky, T. (2005). School
Counselors' Involvement in the Process of Inclusion in Israel. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education,
52 (3), 175-194.
Erhard, R. ,
Teichman, M. & Dayan, I., ( 2006). The Trip to the Far
East: Israeli Travelers and Psychoactive Substance
Use. Society and Welfare, 26, 3,
Perlberg – Simcha, L. & Erhard, R (2007) . How
Counselors Perceive the Meaning of “Systemic Work”. The School
Counselor, 14. (in Hebrew)
Ronen – Seter, A. & Erhard, R. (2007) Beyond the "Closed Door"
of the School Counselor. . The School Counselor, 14.
(in Hebrew)
Erhard, R. & Weiss, D. (2007). The
emergence of counseling in traditional cultures: Ultra-Orthodox
Jewish and Arab communities in Israel. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 29, 149-158 .
Erhard, R. and Brosh, Z.(2008) From a "Non
Issue" to a "Tailored Suit" – The policy of coping with School
Violence. Dapim,46, 62-92 .
Mansbach-kleinfeld, I., Farbstein, I., Levinson, D., Apter, A., Erhard, R., Palti, H., Geraisy, N., Brent, D.A., Ponizovsky, A.M., & Levav, I. (2010). Service use for mental disorders and unmet need: results from the Israel Survey on Mental Health Among Adolescents.
Psychiatric Services, 61(3), 241-249.
Mansbach-kleinfeld, I., Levinson, D., Farbstein, I., Apter, A., Levav, I., Kanaaneh, R., Stein, N., Erhard, R., Palti, H., Khwaled, R., & Ponizovsky, A.M. (2010). The Israel Survey of Mental Health Among Adolescents: aims and methods?
The Israel Journal of Psychiatric and Related Sciences, 47(4), 244-253.
Erhard, R., & Sinai, M. (2012). The school counselor in Israel: An agent of social justice?
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 34(2), 159-173.
Sinai, M. & Erhard, R. (2013). Role Perception, Role Behavior and enhancing Educational Equality,
Hevra ve Revacha, 33(1), 71-91.